Everything has a crack in it, that's how the Light gets in
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  • Give me an old creaky oak floored building, with high tin ceilings and hanging fixtures, half decked in vintage quilting material, half in used smelly books, a Starbucks in the middle, with big fluffy chairs, a little Dave Matthews Band playing and some days perhaps, David Crowder Band, depending on my mood, and my best friend, my daughter and I may never leave.

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« ClumsyCook gets to write some Thank You's | Main | Especially you, Betty......... »

January 23, 2008


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how much for that monkey in the window? Nice tute looks exactly like the photo!


Oh how cute is this! You are very talented :)


Thanks for sharing, this is brilliant! And the monkey is just so naughty, isn't he?!


I want Betty and the monkey and and and!

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